Lives listing by occupation: churchman
- Rabutin, Michel Celse Roger de, comte de Bussy (born 1669–died 1736), French churchman
- Ramsay, Reverend James, bishop of Ross (born c. 1624–died 1696), Scottish churchman
- Rathbone, Reverend Henry (born c. 1748–died c. 1831), English churchman
- Raulin, père Franciscus (flourished 1657–1666), French churchman, Jesuit, university teacher
- Ray, Samuel (flourished 1707–1770), English churchman
- Raymond, Reverend Doctor Anthony (born 1675–died 1726), Irish churchman, linguist
- Reader, Enoch (died c. 1706), Irish churchman
- Reccard, Reverend Gotthilf Christian (born 1735–died 1798), German churchman, Protestant, theologian, scientist, astronomer
- Reid, Lewis (born 1676–died 1762), Scottish churchman, Presbyterian
- Renaudot, père Jean (born 1645–died 1690), French churchman, Huguenot, university teacher
- Reynolds, Charles (born 1702–died 1766), English churchman
- Richard, Jérôme (born 1719–died 1799), French churchman, Catholic, historian, translator, academician
- Ridley, Reverend Doctor Glocester (born 1702–died 1774), English churchman, biblical scholar, poet, theologian
- Ripley, Ezra (born 1751–died 1841), American churchman, Congregationalist
- Rivals, Laurent (died 1679), French churchman, Huguenot
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